As most work will be consultancy and will not entail working in direct contact with children, Amy S. Travis will work following partner or contracting organizations’ and agencies child protection and safeguarding policies. Prior to contract signing or work, partner or contracting organization’s will review with Amy S. Travis their policies and procedures. Additionally, Amy S. Travis will abide by local and national laws governing abuse policies and procedures.
The following are general rules that Amy S. Travis will follow for the safety of children and vulnerable adults. Amy S. Travis will:
- Respect and protect children and vulnerable adults.
- Work to include children and vulnerable adults in addressing their needs and making decisions regarding their well-being.
- Refrain from taking any substance while working with children that would compromise their safety.
- Refrain from transactional sexual relations or sexual relations with subordinates, regardless of age and legality.
- Meet with children in open or visible spaces, preferably with multiple individuals, unless in an emergency situation.
- Follow child-initiated touch unless the safety of the child deems it necessary to do otherwise.
- Take photographs of individuals as the subject when permission is given to do so. Individuals will be appropriately attired and poses.
- Report suspected abuse of any individual, child or adult, to appropriate organizational, guardian, and if appropriate, legal officials.
- Follow-up on filed abuse reports to ensure they are being investigated and properly addressed.
- Conduct criminal background checks and thorough vetting for any person or organization with whom she hires or contracts, as per appropriate given their level of inaction and contact with children.